November 16, 2019, 9:30 am
Temple Beth Sholom
50 Pamela Road
Framingham, MA 01701
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Alternative Services
Soulful Singing
Shiru Lo, Zamru Lo: Raising our Souls and Voices through Song
Join Cantorial Intern Jessica Woolf for an extra-musical Shabbat Shacharit service. Participants will be provided with a song sheet and sit in the round in order to create a circle of sound. We we will use simple melodies to illuminate certain passages of the Shabbat liturgy; sometimes we’ll sing one sentence over and over, other times it will be one word. The service will feature music from contemporary Jewish musicians, including but not limited to Nava Tehila, Joey Weisenberg, and the Hadar Ensemble. Acoustic string and percussive instruments will be played.
Torah Yoga
Bring your yoga mats and comfortable clothing too. We’re excited to have Rev. Debbie Clark, a certified Yoga instructor leading you in yoga and Jewish spiritual and ethical principals to deepen your connection to prayer. She will be joined by Rosanne Kates and Larry Yarmaloff.
Interfaith Discussion
Esther Kosofsky
Report from Interfaith Inclusion Leadership Initiative (IILI) — National Kickoff in NYC – Cohort 3 — WE WERE THERE!
We applied, we were accepted, we were underwritten by generous donor support and we were there! Now YOU want to come and hear.
Taste of History:
When the Holocaust Came to America: The Fort Ontario Story
Led by Norman Finkelstein
In 1944, at the height of World War II, nearly 1,000 Jewish refugees found a temporary haven at Fort Ontario in Oswego, New York. Fleeing one step ahead of Nazi pursuers, these lucky refugees found safety on the shores of Lake Ontario. How did they get here? How did they overcome the strict American immigration rules? What influenced President Roosevelt let them in? What was their life like in Oswego? Together, we will look at primary source materials to help us understand this “too little, too late” effort to save Jews during the Holocaust.
Interfaith Discussion
Esther Kosofsky
NOT the December Dilemma – It’s not a dilemma for us!
Come, listen and share.
Teen Program
Led by Rabbi Allison Poirier
A time for just teens and t’weens to have a discussion with Rabbi Poirier, covering different topics important to YOU.
Sanctuary Services
Sanctuary Tefillah:
Our traditional Shabbat Morning service led by Rabbi Allison Poirier.
Morning service of Birkat Hashahar and Sharcharit
leading into the Torah Service.
Sanctuary Torah Service and Musaf
We will all join together for our Torah Service and Musaf
led by Cantorial Intern Jessica Woolf
Sarah Liberman ~ Torah Reader
Sarah Liberman ~ Haftorah Reader
Concluding Prayers and Announcements
We come together for our concluding prayers and announcements