March 20, 2019, 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Temple Beth Sholom
50 Pamela Road
Framingham, MA 01701
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Purim! A fun holiday when we get to dress up, make noise, have fun and eat Hamantashen. And…it’s so much more fun when we are all together! Look at what’s planned for this year:
Family Programming:
6:30 pm: Pasta dinner for Religious School families
6:50 pm: Family friendly program with Jessica in the Chapel
7:15 pm: Join the rest of the congregation in the Sanctuary for a quick costume parade.
Stay for the beginning of Megillah reading and let loose on those groggers at
the mention of Haman’s name.
7:30 pm: Head to the Social Hall for Hamantashen and ending program
The Whole Megillah:
7:00 pm: Evening minyan in the Sanctuary
7:15 pm: Megillah reading in the Sanctuary
8:15 pm: Oneg for Purim