I trust everyone had a great summer. As you know, TBS doesn’t shut down during the summer and we have been as busy as ever!
After receiving news of Rabbi Bazer’s departure, I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of assistance I received from various Temple committees as well as individuals (congregants and NON-congregants) to assist us in the search for a new rabbi. As I’ve stated before, when there’s a great cause, our community knows how to come together and get things done.
Within one week, we were already reviewing candidates and setting up interviews for an interim rabbi. The process went VERY smoothly and I am so proud to announce that we have a signed contract with Rabbi Leonard Gordon of Newton. Rabbi Gordon has been fantastic and I look forward to spending time with him on the Bima during the High Holidays. Both Rabbi Gordon and his wife, Dr. Lori Lefkovitz have a lot to offer our kehilla.
As well as hiring an interim rabbi, the various committees thought it would be great if we could bring an intern into Temple Beth Sholom during this transition year. I’m also proud to announce that Jessica Lowenthal Weber will be with us on select Friday and Shabbat morning services.
Thank you to all of the committees and individuals that made all of this possible. You make my job that much easier and fun.
During the summer break, the Congregation voted on the proposed budget and voted in a new slate of trustees as well as executive committee. Welcome to the new trustees and executive board members.
Our budget calls for a Strength-to-Strength giving level of $108,000. I hope our kehilla can come together again to make for a successful campaign.
From my wife Dawn, daughter Robin and son Hayden, L’Shana Tova,
Dave Levinson