A Weekend of Learning

How the Bible Became Holy

Featuring Dr. Michael Satlow of Brown University

Dr. Michael L. Satlow is professor of religious studies and Judaic Studies at Brown University. He received his Ph.D. in 1993 in Ancient Judaism from the Jewish Theological Seminary and has written widely on the social and religious history of Jews in antiquity. He also maintains an online database called “Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine” (www.brown.edu/iip) and has created a podcast series, “From Israelite to Jew,” freely available on iTunesU. He has held a Guggenheim Fellowship and was a Fulbright Scholar in Israel. He is the author of How the Bible Became Holy published by Yale University Press.

Our Weekend:

Friday, March 9, 7:30pm, Kabbalat Shabbat Services followed by discussion and festive Oneg

  • Dr. Satlow will speak on “Ezra and the Torah”


Saturday, March 10, 9:30am, Shabbat Services followed by discussion and Kiddush Luncheon

  • Dr. Satlow will speak on “Is the Torah Holy?”


Sunday, March 11, 9:30am, Learning With the Cantor

Rav-Hazzan Scott Sokol will speak on “How the Bible Became Chanted”

Please RSVP online or by contacting Fern at 508-877-2540 x205 before February 23, 2018