Rabbi Bazer and the Ritual Committee are introducing a new informal learning component to our Shabbat morning services. The first topic will be: The Amidah…What it is about, and will take place during the service over three Shabbat mornings beginning January 7, and continuing January 21 and January 28. Here’s what to look forward to:
Saturday, January 7: Explore the meaning and practice of reciting the Amidah.
Saturday, January 21: Learn about the Amidah’s davening mechanics. This will be an experiential session with assistance from our Religious School students.
Saturday, January 28: Contemporary Contemplative Amidah. The series concludes with reading and sharing thoughts on the Amidah. We will be using alternative passages on the pages in the Siddur Lev Shalem.
We are looking forward to learning about the Amidah with all of you!!