Friday nights are a time to spend with family and friends while enjoying a relaxing Shabbat dinner. It is also a time to come together as a Community and share the Shabbat experience. The question is, how do we accomplish both?
The answer is easy. Beginning on Friday night, December 23rd, we will have an Early Shabbat Service at 6:00 pm. We can come together and share Shabbat and then go home to our Shabbat dinners. We will finish our service by 6:45 pm. It is early enough for all family members!
This is a pilot program which will be on the last two, or three, Friday nights of the month, through June 30th. The dates when we will have the early service are December 23 and 30, January 20 and 27, February 17 and 24, March 17, 24, and 31, April 14 and 21, May 26, and June 23 and 30.
We look forward to seeing you and to your feedback on this new tradition at TBS.