There is a wonderful midrash describing how not only the Children of Israel who were redeemed from Egypt received Torah, but that every generation that followed, including our own, was also present at Sinai. We witnessed Revelation then and will recreate the Revelation experience as we gather together our community-wide L’ayl Tikkun Shavout celebration at Temple Israel.
On Saturday night, June 11th, TBS will join Temple Israel, MetroWest Jewish Day School, and five other area synagogues for a spectacular evening of tefillot, Torah study, and workshops. Last year’s program was attended by over 150 people of all ages and was a tremendous success. What was most special for me was seeing so many TBS members mingling with congregants from the area communities as one kehillah.
This year’s program will begin at 5 PM with a story telling session geared towards families with children, followed by a community dairy dinner. Many of our congregants who attended last year’s dinner raved about the delicious meal. A sign-up will be coming out soon by e-mail. After dinner, we will gather for an inspiring talk by Rabbi Harold Kushner. From there will be an array of different study sessions and workshops led by all of our area rabbis and cantors. There will even be a new class this year on how to make a no-bake cheese cake!” I’ll be teaching a session called, Will the real “Giving of Torah Story” please come forward where we will examine the different revelation storylines in the Torah. And of course, we all gather together to conclude with a spiritually uplifting Shavuot evening service.
Although I admit using this line before, this will definitely be an evening you won’t want to miss! Come join with your friends from TBS and the rest of the MetroWest Jewish community as we metaphorically stand together at Sinai again.
Rabbi, Dr. Larry Bazer